Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Seafight Bug Gold | Work 100%

You Need 7 - 10 Decks
1. Open Fiddler
2. Breakpoint
3. Sell All Deck
4. Replay 10 - 20x
5. Stop Breakpoint
6. Resume
7. Have Fun

2 komentar:

  1. lool banned for 3.507.000 gold:))

    1. 3.507.000* sorry :))
      Tonight it worked very well in an hour and a half I made 3 billion.
      And yesterday's 5 o'clock I did not even collected 600 million
      And blocked my account and made ​​2 days ago, was level 2.
      For his gold I got from the other account. is that correct?
