Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Seafight Bot Gold

How to use:
scar3.22 + fiddler

Scar Divi 3.22 :  Click Here
Scar Divi 3.22 :  Click Here
Modive Map : Click Here
Modive Map : Click Here
Script Gold Bot :  Click Here
Script Gold Bot :  Click Here

Change HotKeys Scar Divi

Gold Bot : Click Here
Scar Divi : Click Here
How To Modive Map : Click Here

Minggu, 27 April 2014


Deck Upgrade Calculator
Current Deck:
Target Deck:
Crystals Needed:
Pearls Needed:

Rabu, 16 April 2014

[Bug] Raid

At the moment, you can enter the Raid Map and you just need 5 NPCs to kill for the big boss. Have fun!

Sabtu, 05 April 2014

[BUG] Teleport and Raid Medallion

If the kraken is open and you take meat and it start to count 15 sec then you press the Teleport and when there are only 5 sec left you press LOG OUT . So you Teleport or go to the raid map without lose medallion or teleport.

Selasa, 01 April 2014

Seafight Bug Test Pirate

Bug pirate test

1 Getting pirate test
2 Log out from the map of the sea
3 Log on to map the sea
4 Monsters and NPCs count times two

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Seafight Bot SharpBot

Register Bot : Click Here
Download Bot : Click Here

Sinlyu: hookstarv2
der_kekser: derkekser


    Glitzi's sammeln
    Bonusmap (verfügbar. 31.03.2014)
    Raid (verfügbar. 07.04.2014)
    NPC (verfügbar. Unbekannt)

Zoom 50 - 60%


12 Monate.


Paypal spende.

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

[Release] Seafight custom client

Hello pirates,

I'm releasing my Seafight custom client (Pixelbot edition).
What is this?

This is based on the original Seafight client, but it has all of the images replaced.
That means bots don't have to use slow and inaccurate picture search anymore, because every single ship, monster, button, ... can be uniquely identified by a specific color.
No color is used twice!

The purpose is to serve much better pixel bots (and other clickbots), compared to the existing ones.
This is not a bot itself - but I'm sure that there will be bots based on this.

So how to use it?
It's actually simple to set up.

Here is a video on how to set it up, but I also explain it below.

  1. Download the file from the attachement and unpack it anywhere on your computer. Remember the location of course.
  2. Open Fiddler and open the AutoResponder tab on the right and tick "Enable automatic responses" and "Unmachted requests passthrough"
  3. Add this rule:
Line 1:
regex:(?ix)http://(?>(?:\w+\-*\w+\.)?seafight\.(?>\b\w{2,}\.\b)*(?:[\da-z]){2,3}|seafight-[\d]+\.(?:ah|level3)\.bpcdn\.net)/(?=(?:\w+/)?(?<o1>client/))(?=(?:\k<o1>)?(?<o2>(?:res/)?(?:(?<tree>ships|fx|pet|monster|items|maptiles|effects|uiElements|gui|uiConfig|minimaps|api|dyna)/)))(?:\k<o1>|\k<o2>){2}(?<res>[\w_\-]*(?:\.cfg)?(?!\.php)|dlc(?=\.php)|getStartTip(?=\.php))\.(?<type>swf|png|xml|php|css)(?:\?.*)?$ #ByOsvaldo

Line 2:
<Your download folder>\CustomClientEdited\data\$3\modified\$4.$5

  1. You're done! Now you can open the sea chart (but make sure you have disabled animated monsters and animated water).

Once you've set it up, you can use it simply by opening Fiddler. If you open the sea chart without having Fiddler opened, everything will be normal.
You don't have to empty your Browsercache!*

*Note: The replaced 2-color minimap graphics will work only if you do empty your cache before use. Everything else works without clearing your cache.

Seafight custom client : Click Here
Seafight custom client : Click Here

Seafight Shipwerk Bot

how to use:
scar3.22 + fiddler


Shipwerk Bot : Click Here
Scar Divi : Click Here
How To Modive Map : Click Here

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

[BUG] Eagle Eye

1. Active windstorms (Range books)
2. Start shoot the event tentacle
3. Go on range
4. Deactive windstorms (Range Books)
5. You shoot the tentacle he dont shoot you back and you not lost Windstorms (range books)

Shoot to Calypso in on Eagle Eye, back from Calypso on max range and off EagleEye.
Calypso dont shoot for You